My cough -- this year

My cough never truly went away, but it was manageable. In the morning, I'd have to clear things out, and when I had a cold, it kicked into high gear, but it was so much better than it had been. But about six months ago, it kicked back in.

I was taking the same drugs, but it did feel like my body was falling apart. I was gaining weight, I just didn't feel right. I know part of it was being a lady of a certain age, but why was I coughing more? I thought we fixed this! Plus, I was snoring more than ever.

I started the parade of doctors, again. This time it was a new batch, since I had moved since the last round of poking and prodding. My general doctor agreed that I was taking a lot of drugs, but had no solutions. Blood work was done and everything was normal. I went to a ear-nose-throat guy who listened to my lungs, shoved a tube up my nose, and found nothing. (I had the flu at the time and when I asked him about something to help that, he said he wasn't that kind of doctor. I don't like him.)

The allergist confirmed that I wasn't allergic to anything. He had me blow into tubes and he looked at the (unrelated) rash I had on my arms. He gave me a cream for the rash and changed my Allegra for some stuff to shoot up my nose. He wrote out a long, complicated explanation as to why this was the solution. It didn't seem to change anything and, since then, I've stopped all of those drugs.

I went to a sleep specialist. He was actually the one doctor who seemed like he wanted to figure it out. He ordered a sleep study, and, yes, I snored, but nothing serious. He's now referred me to a GI doctor, as we think that my GERD might be acting up. Now I am waiting for the appointment. Weirdly, though, the cough has gotten a bit better, although I do want to check it all out.

All of these doctors seem so very happy to show me how they've found nothing. Look at how normal I am, how all my numbers are just right! But if that's the case, why am I a mess? Why can't we find what is broken inside of me?


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